Currently in Kenya teachers are faced with various challenges. Some of these include the following:
a) Retention
The rate at which teachers leave the teaching profession is alarming. This is due to low salaries and delay in receiving salaries. Teachers are also at the mercy of their employer for example the teachers Service Commission and can be posted to remote areas. Teachers also face criticism particularly from society when the performance is poor but they are rarely applauded by the same society when it is good. Heads of schools are also intimidated by politicians and powerful people irj society. Some of these people may have low academic achievements. This can be de-motivating and can result in resignation on head teachers. Some students particularly those from high socio-economic backgrounds may intimidate teachers knowing very well that they can not be suspend due to the family background.
b) Recruitment
Employment or recruitment of teachers depends on the individual, organization or government. Different criterions are used. Some base on qualifications while others base on friendship and nepotism. Those recruited because they knew someone may feel superior to others or act as informants. This may cause frictions that can affect teaching. Head teachers may feel intimidated while dealing with teachers from influential backgrounds.
c) Remuneration
Most teachers are lowly paid in comparison to other professionals. Those in high cost private schools earn ore than those in public schools. In some schools, teachers
Moraa orina answered the question on August 21, 2018 at 13:17
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Describe the qualities expected of a teacher by society
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