Explain tropic responses in plants and their survival


Explain tropic responses in plants and their survival.



This is the growth curvature in response to direction and intensity of light. Shoots are positively phototropic while roots are nrgatively phototropic
This is growth curvature in response to gravity; shoots are negatively geotropism while roots are positively geotropic
This is growth curvature in response to water/moisture; Root are positively hdrotropic
This is growth curvature in response to contact with solid objects; shown by tendrils/climbing stems that intertwined around objects
Survival values
-phototropism exposes the leaves in position to maximum light absorption thereby enhancing photosynthesis
_Hytrotropism enables plant roots to seek water
_Chemotropism enables pollen tube to grow towards embryo sac thus enhancing fertilization to occur
_Thigmotropism enables the plants to obtain mechanical support
Kipssben answered the question on September 5, 2018 at 16:41

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