What were the failures of the treaty of Versailles?


What were the failures of the treaty of Versailles?



a) The treaty handed Germany a heavy punishment as if she was the only one to blame for World
War 1. This provoked deep resentment and bitterness among the German nationals.
b) The treaty ignored the interests of the colonial people. The former colonial possessions of
Germany and turkey were handed over to France and Britain in total disregard to the African
grievances during the Versailles conference
c) The treaty failed to carter for the interests of the minority in Europe. The new republic of
Austria was forbidden from merging with Germany though a national vote was for the merger.
d) Italy was given a raw deal in the settlement. She was only given Stria, an Italian-speaking
region formerly belonging to Austria.
e) Though the treaty proposal for the formation of the League of Nations came from the USA
president Wilson, the US constitution prohibited commitment to such an organization, whose
membership required a nation to help a future victim of aggression.
ericmunguti answered the question on September 18, 2018 at 05:41

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