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What was the Impact of trans-Atlantic trade on the people of west Africa?


What was the Impact of trans-Atlantic trade on the people of west Africa?



1. The trade led to the development of ports like Bristol and Liverpool.
2. It contributed to the emergence of a class of wealthy traders who invested in plantation.
3. It led to settlement of Africans in America.
4. There was depopulation in Africa as slaves were captured and taken to America.
5. Slave raiding led to an increased in inter-tribal wars, the wars increased insecurity.
6. Kingdoms like the Fante, Asente, Dahomey and Oyo became very powerful.
7. There was economic decline because the young and able were taken away, leaving the weak
8. Slave raiding involved the destruction of property; villages were often burnt down and left in ruins.
9. There was decline in traditional industries due to introduction of goods from the west
10. Long- lasting trade links were established between West Africa, Europe and America.
11. Lagos and Elmina from where slave were shipped, developed into urban centres
12. Slave trade weakened African societies that they could not effectively resist colonisation.
13. The abolition of trade lead to the creation of Sierra Leone and Liberia for freed slaves

raphael answered the question on September 20, 2018 at 07:57

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