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What are the impacts of telecommunication?


What are the impacts of telecommunication?



1. They have increased interactions between people in many parts of the world.
2. They have enabled people to manage information efficiently.
3. The disposal of telecommunication gadgets may result in environmental pollution.
4. Some means of telecommunication erode moral values e.g. pornography
5. Use of some means of telecommunication may become addictive.
6. Continues use of some means of telecommunication may be a health hazard.
7. Provided government revenue through paying taxes and revenue.
8. Provided employment to many people all over the world.
9. They have promoted security by using radio and telephone to fight crime.
10. They have promoted entertainment through music, films and sports.
11. They have promoted trade as business people are able to communicate information about their products and services

raphael answered the question on September 20, 2018 at 11:04

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