Which plant nutrient is mainly known for promoting root development?


Which plant nutrient is mainly known for promoting root development?



The following is the major nutrient that is responsible for root development

Phosphorus is responsible for assisting with the growth of roots and flowers. Phosphorus also helps plants withstand environmental stress and harsh winters.Although there is a large quantity of phosphorus in the soil, much of it is in a form that isn’t accessible to the plants. The problem is that phosphorus binds very quickly. Fixed phosphorus can be released with some help from weathering or by microbial activity. When it comes to weathering, phosphorus moves through the soil by diffusion through water. Although weathering does the job of releasing phosphorus to the soil, microbial activity works best. Microorganisms, nematodes, protozoa and mycorrhizae all help make the phosphorus available to the plants

omondijacob answered the question on September 29, 2018 at 08:11

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