What is African traditional understanding of a sin?


What is African traditional understanding of a sin?



? Most African communities believed that God did not create evil.
? Some communities attribute the origin of sin to evil spirit.
? Others believe that evil is caused by “bad people” such as sorcerers, witches and magicians.
? Others believe that evil is caused by ancestors being angered. This could bring bad omen to
the living e.g. Death of children or animals.
? Sin could also come as a result of offending members of the community.
? Parents or elders could also curse some people.
? Evil things could also come as a result of God being angered.
? Some myths trace the origin of sin to a time during creation of the rules he was to observe
which man disobeyed.

ericmunguti answered the question on September 25, 2018 at 08:45

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