1. They kept the Sabbath day and regarded it a special day of rest. On that day no one was
supposed to do any work.
2. They offered sacrifices and offerings to God. The animals used for the sacrifices
included sheep, goats, and bulls etc. Offerings included grains, incense. The
Offerings could either be burnt or roasted.
3. The Israelites observed many festivals where they worshipped God.
- Such feasts included feast of the unleavened bread (Passover which was celebrated in
the fourteenth day of the first month of the year.)
- There was also the feast of the harvest. This was also called the feast of week or
- There was also the feast of the tabernacle.
4. The Israelites also made altars that symbolized the presence of God amongst the
Israelites. Moses built an altar during the sealing of the covenant.
- Abraham also built two altars at Bethel and Shechem as a sign of honor to God.
5. The Commandments
- God gave the Israelites laws which were meant to guide them. These laws also
The 10 Commandments and Mosaic Law referred to as the Torah.
6. The Israelites had religious leaders. God also chose priests from the tribe of Levi. Their
duties included:
- Carried tabernacle
- Offered sacrifices to God.
- Taught the law.
- They also organized prayer services.
- Organized choirs.
7. They also sang songs in praise of Yahweh.
8. They carried the Ark and Tabernacle. The tabernacle was at times referred to as the tent
of meeting
ericmunguti answered the question on September 25, 2018 at 13:15
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Preparations the Israelites were to make before meeting God
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