How can Christians contribute towards the maintenance of law and order in society?


Explain seven ways in which Christians can contribute towards the maintenance of law and order in society.



1. Obeying the law of land

2. Respecting the lawful authority

3. Rehabilitating criminals

4. Condemning acts which violate human rights

5. Educating the masses on their rights and responsibilities

6. Sharing what they have with the needy

7. Forgiving others freely

8. Condemning unjust laws

9. Providing guidance and counseling service

10. Fighting against social evils


- Preaching/ teaching values pertaining to peace and justice
- Appealing to people to obey lawful authority (the rule of law)
- By practicing what they teach/ preach, setting good examples/ living exemplary lives
- Condemning vices which lead to disorder in the society e.g. injustice, corruption
- By playing reconciliatory roles/ mediators between warring parties or individuals
- Educating people on their right and duties as citizens of the country
- Caring/ helping the poor, needy, oppressed people in the community
- Create employment and equip people with skills so that they can be employed elsewhere
- They offer guidance and counseling services where people who have problems can get help
- They provide education whose objective is good citizenship
- Support individual/ groups who fight for justice and peace
- They pray for peace and justice and good government
johnmulu answered the question on January 20, 2017 at 12:53

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