Describe the incident when Jesus fed five thousand people.


Describe the incident when Jesus fed five thousand people.



When the disciples came back from their mission, they reported to Jesus everything they had
Jesus then took his disciples to a quiet place in Bethsaida to rest.
However, when the crowd learned of his whereabouts, they followed him.
- Jesus turned and preached to them about the kingdom of God and healed the sick.
- When it was evening, the disciples asked if they could send the people into the villages to
look for accommodation and food.
Jesus asked them to provide the people with food. The disciples said that they only had five
loaves of bread and two fish which could not feed the 5,000 people.
- Jesus told them to make the people sit down in groups of 50.
Taking the five loaves and two fish, Jesus looked up to heaven, thanked God, blessed
He broke them and gave to the disciples to distribute to the people.
And all ate and were satisfied and the remains were collected and filled 12 baskets.
ericmunguti answered the question on September 27, 2018 at 05:51

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