What is the significance of the parable of the the rich man and Lazarus?


What is the significance of the parable of the the rich man and Lazarus?



That Christians use their wealth to serve the poor.
- The rich should not love their riches more than the love of God. It can bring ruin to people’s
- Christians should use their wealth to glorify God.
- Christians should seek spiritual wealth than material wealth.
- Christians should be careful about the dangers of wealth.
- Judgment is awaiting those who do not share their resources with the needy.
- This parable brings out the belief in life after death. Abraham is presented as being alive and
talking to people.
- There will be judgment at the end of times. The righteous will go to heaven and the
unrighteous will go to hell.
- People should listen to God’s messengers when there is still time.
- There is no repentance after death.
ericmunguti answered the question on September 27, 2018 at 07:22

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