-sulphur iv oxide, hydrogen sulphide, chlorine, oxides of nitrogen produced by industries,
sewage, decomposing organic matter and fumes affect gaseous exchange, makes acid rain
and damage plant leaves
- aerosols, herbicides, insecticides (agrochemicals), paint spays, acaricides and CFC’s
sprayed to control diseases, pests and weeds affect respiratory organs of animals. The
chemicals are residual and persistent (not easily broken down) and bring depletion of the
ozone layer
- smoke and fumes produced in areas with heavy industries, motor vehicles, fires which
burn fuel, oil, wood and coal cause carbon ii oxide, poisoning affect respiratory systems
and affect visibility
- particles in smoke and fumes settle on leaves and stop photosynthesis
- carbon iv oxide causes green house effect which causes temperature inversion as a result
of heating the lower layers of atmosphere
- sound and noise produced incessantly by machines, aeroplanes and heavy vehicles affect
hearing in animals
- dust from cement factories, quarries, dust roads settles on leaves limiting photosynthesis
- removal of vegetation interferes with carbon cycle
- radio-active emissions from nuclear reactors, mines and bombs cause cancer, mutations
and death.
ericmunguti answered the question on October 5, 2018 at 07:09
- Describe how energy flows from the sun through the various trophic levels in an ecosystem.(Solved)
Describe how energy flows from the sun through the various trophic levels in an ecosystem.
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What is nitrogen cycle?
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Discuss how competition affect living organisms.
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Give examples of biotic factors affecting ecosystems
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What are abiotic factors?
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(iii)Ecological niche
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(iii)Ecological niche
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State the necessity of using a dichotomous key .
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What is a dichotomous key?
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State the general characteristics of chordate.
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State the harmful effects of insects.
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State the economic importance of insects
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Name the classes and state characteristics of angiospermae .
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Name sub-divisions of spermatophyte and state the characteristics of each class
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State the main characteristics of the following divisions of kingdom plantae (i) Bryophyte (ii) Pteridophyta (iii) Spermatophyte
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Describe the five stages of mitosis
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Draw a simplified diagram representing the nitrogen cycle
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What is the importance of magnesium in the body .
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What are Macro-nutrients .
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What is Absorption?
Date posted: October 1, 2018. Answers (1)