Discuss seven main limitations of sprinkler irrigation.


Discuss seven main limitations of sprinkler irrigation.



-Wind speeds usually interfere with uniformity of water distribution. Irrigation should not continue if wind speed is in excess of 4m/s
-When soil infiltration rate is too low (4mm//hr) the sprinklers have to produce very fine drops and the duration of application is too long. Also very fine drops easily evapourate in the air thereby reducing efficiency of application.
-This method is not suitable when a large application depth is desirable.
-In rural areas it is sometimes not possible to get the skills required to rum the systems and especially the repair of pumps.
-It is easy to steal components of this system (pump, pipes and sprinklers) when compared to ditches and furrows.
-Soil borne organisms are sometimes transported to the foliage through splashing soil and may result in the spreading of diseases.
-Very sensitive leaf crops or soft ripening fruit may not withstand the impact of the drop lets.

jim items answered the question on October 5, 2018 at 08:15

Next: Discuss the advantages of sprinkler irrigation system under the following subheadings: a)Topography. b)Micro climate. c)Soil advantages. d)Finance aspects. e)Health aspects.
Previous: Discuss four intrinsic aspects of sprinkler irrigation.

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