Discuss four intrinsic aspects of sprinkler irrigation.


Discuss four intrinsic aspects of sprinkler irrigation.



1.Initial cost of system is usually high when buying the pump or engine, main line pipes, laterals and sprinklers.
2.Operation cost is high because one has either to buy fuel or use electricity all the time. To escape the running cost one can tap the water from a high point (50-80 m head) in which case the pressure is high enough to drive the nozzles.
3.This system requires relatively clean water. The water should be drawn from standing water to allow silt and other particles to settle. Silt can clog pipes and also cause rapid wear of nozzles. F alters are required in order to remove silt.
4.Systems are site specific and require more accuracy at design stage.

jim items answered the question on October 5, 2018 at 08:17

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