-placenta appears as one ridge on ovary wall
- ovules are attached to placenta in rows e.g. peas in a pod

placenta formed at the base of the ovary with numerous ovules attached to it

edges of carpels fuse together
- dividing walls disappear, leaving one loculus
- have numerous seeds e.g. passion fruit
- placenta of each carpel appears as ridges on ovary wall

edges of carpels fuse together to form a single central placenta
- numerous ovules arranged on placenta
- ovary divided into a number of loculi by walls of the carpel e.g.

-edges of carpels fuse together
- dividing was disappears leaving one loculus
- placenta appears at base of ovary-? has numerous ovules
ericmunguti answered the question on
October 5, 2018 at 11:07