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Describe some of the common immunizable diseases


Describe some of the common immunizable diseases.



Immunizable diseases are the diseases that a person may need to be immunized against.
They include:
1. Tetanus
2. Typhoid
3. Yellow fever
4. Hepatitis B.

1. Tetanus
Although this was vaccinated in the infant immunization schedule, it can still be done when a person suffers from an open would. This prevents the person to get tetanus disease through the open would.

2. Typhoid The vaccine against typhoid can be administered any time there is an outbreak to protect people from getting the disease

3. Yellow Fever
The vaccine protects people from getting the disease and those who did not get at infancy will need to get it before traveling to countries outside.

4. Hepatitis B Persons given vaccine against hepatitis B will not get the disease and those who did not get at infancy need to get.
raphael answered the question on October 7, 2018 at 15:00

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