a) Control use of agricultural chemicals
Agricultural chemicals include the following: fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. If used uncontrollably they can lead to soil pollution and even water pollution. Their use can also be harmful to crops and those who consume the crop which include animals and human beings.
Farmers should strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions while using the agricultural chemicals. The instructions which come with agricultural chemicals clearly advise on the following:
• Type of the chemical to use.
• Purpose of the chemical.
• Direction of use i.e. the amount to use and mode of application.
• Precautionary measures to observe.
b) Ensuring proper disposal of waste
A lot of waste is produced by domestic and industries. Both wastes can be harmful or useful. So that soil is not polluted by these wastes it is important to have good ways of disposing them. This is called waste management.
c) Avoid burning vegetable cover
When we want to clear land for farming, we should slash or uproot the unwanted vegetations but not burning them. This is because cleared vegetation left to rot increase humus and adds nutrients to the soil.
NB: Vegetation cover guards soil against exposure to the agents of soil erosion.
When we burn vegetation, we kill the living organisms in the soil and no humus goes into the soil. Vegetation cover also prevents soil from agents of soil erosion such as wind, water and animals.
d) Mulching
This is covering the soil with dead plant materials such as dry grass and leaves. This prevents excess loss of water from the soil through evaporation. This also reduces splash erosion. The mulch decays afterwards and adds humus to the soil.
e) Planting ground cover
It is advisable to plant ground cover since land should not be left bear. Ground cover may include ground cover crops that spread out over the soil surface and cover it. Examples of such cover crops include grass and sweet potatoes. These crops or plants hold the soil firmly with their roots helping or preventing the soil from n being carried away by agents of soil erosion such as wind and rain. Cover crops also trap soil as water flows through the garden thus conserving soil.
f) Terracing
Terraces dug along the contours on the slopes reduce the speed of run-off water. This reduces soil erosion and this way soil is conserved.
g) Planting trees
Planting of trees can be either afforestation or re-afforestation.
h) Afforestation
This is planting of trees in areas where none has been planted.
i) Re-afforestation
This is planting trees where forests have been cleared. Trees are important in preserving soil:
• Reduce wind erosion by breaking the wind
• The roots hold soil particles firmly together. This helps the soil from being carried away by agents of soil erosion.
• They provide shade thus reducing the amount of water evaporation.
• They reduce the speed of running water. This reduces the strength of water to erode the soil.
• The leaves fall off and decompose thus increasing the amount of humus in the soil.
j) Contour farming
In this crops are planted along the contours on ridges. This helps reduce soil erosion thus conserving the soil.
k) Building gabions
As already known, gulley erosion where running water forms V or U - shaped channels. These gullies can be blocked by building structures called gabions across them. Gabions are heavy boxes made of wire mesh that are filled with stones. As water flows through the gabion, soil is trapped thus reducing soil erosion and repairs the soil structure.
l) Proper stocking or controlled grazing
Farmers should keep livestock that a piece of land can hold. This is called proper stocking which leads to soil conservation. When animals overgraze they uproot the vegetable cover e.g. grass. This way the soil becomes exposed to agents of soil erosion such as wind and water.
Mutiso answered the question on October 8, 2018 at 05:21
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