-Also called secondary thickening
- Only occurs in dicotyledonous plants that have cambium
- Monocotyledonous plants do not undergo secondary growth because they lack
intervascular cambium
- Cambium cells divide to produce more cells on either side of the cambium
- Cells produced to the inside become secondary cambium
- Cells produced to the outside become secondary phloem
- Division of cambium cells occurs yearly producing new rings of secondary phloem and
secondary xylem each year
- Intervascular cambium(cambium between vascular bundles) divide to form secondary
parenchyma, thereby increasing growth of medullary rays
- Much more xylem is formed than phloem, thus pushing phloem and cambium ring
- The rate of secondary growth is depended on seasons(rains) resulting in annual rings
- Cork cambium is located beneath epidermis ad is responsible for secondary thickening of
the bark of perennial plants
- Cork cambium divides to form new cork(bark) tissues to accommodate increased growth
on outside and secondary cortex on the inside
- Cork cells (cells of the bark) are loosely parked at some points to form lenticels for
gaseous exchange.
ericmunguti answered the question on October 8, 2018 at 05:31
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