Describe an experiment on conditions necessary for germination


Describe an experiment on conditions necessary for germination.



Investigating conditions necessary for germination
Apparatus Maize and bean seeds, transparent container, water, paper, oil and cotton wool.

Place some dry seeds on dry cotton wool or sawdust in one container and label A.
Place soaked seeds on wet cotton wool or wet sawdust in second container and label B.
Boil some water in a container, cover the water with oil. Allow the water to cool. Put some seeds and label C.
Put soaked seeds in wet cotton wool or wet sawdust and place them inside a container and label D. place the container in cool place e.g. in a refrigerator (charcoal cooler).

After about a week each container to be observed will be found that:
Seed in A did not germinate as there was no water.
Seeds in B germinated as there was air and water.
Seeds in C did not germinate. There was no air because boiling water makes air escape and oil prevents oxygen from getting into the water.
Seeds in D germinated slowly. They lacked warmth. If the seeds were put in refrigerator, they will not germinate due to low temperatures.

Conditions necessary for germination are therefore Water, air and warmth.
Mutiso answered the question on October 8, 2018 at 06:01

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