The subgroup concept is based on divisions that assist the soil classifier in further dividing soils into finer categories, which are representative of several properties.List...


The subgroup concept is based on divisions that assist the soil classifier in further dividing soils into finer categories, which are representative of several properties.List at least four and likewise state at least three examples.



The properties represented by soil subgroups are;
a)Central concept of a Great Group (i.e. Typic)
b)Intergrades to other Orders, Suborders, or Great groups
c)Intergrades to a different moisture regime.
d)Subgroups with abnormal properties not indicate of any other order.

1)Lithic Dystrocryepts – hard bedrock contact at <50 cm.
2)Cumulic Hapustolls – thick mollic epipedons due to accumulation of sediments or colluvium.
3)Ustic Haplargids – aridic but intergrades to ustic moisture regime.

jim items answered the question on October 8, 2018 at 11:28

Next: By giving examples illustrate the four soil subsurface horizons considerations put in place when classifying soil's great group.
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