Show the areas of interdependence between Animals to plants and plants to plants


Show the areas of interdependence between Animals to plants and plants to plants.



1. Food
Animals get food from plants and plants get manure necessary for well growth of the plants

2. Oxygen
Plants get carbohydrates from animals for photosynthesis (process by which plants makes food) and animals breath in oxygen from plants for respiration.

3. Shelter
Plants provide shade for the animals and mammals’ e.g. man takes care of young by providing protection by mulching, seed beds e t c.

4. Pollination
Plants e.g. black jack will depend on the animals to transfer seeds to a place for germination

5. Medicine
Animals healed from medical plants and animals provide manure for healthy plants

6. Nutrients
Plants mostly depend on animals to maintain soil fertility. An animal on the other hand needs nutrients from plants to keep them alive.

7. Animal waste
Animal waste like feaces and urine, increases the amount of humus in the soil.

8. Decomposition of dead animals
Bodies of dead animals increases humus in the soil thus supporting plant growth
raphael answered the question on October 9, 2018 at 04:06

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