Outline the types of forces


Outline the types of forces



Gravitational force –this is the force of attraction between two bodies of given masses. - Earth’s gravitational force is the force which pulls a body towards its center. This pull of gravity is called weight.
Magnetic force – this is a force which causes attraction or repulsion in a magnet.
Electrostatic force – this is the force of attraction or repulsion of static charges.
Centripetal force – this is a force which constrains a body to move in a circular orbit or path. 9. Surface tension – this is the force which causes the surface of a liquid to behave like a stretched skin. This force is cohesive.
Force of friction – this is a force which opposes the relative motion of two surfaces in contact with each other. Friction in fluids is known as viscosity.
Tension force – this is the pull or compression of a string or spring at both its ends.
Upthrust force – this is the upward force acting on an object immersed in a fluid.
Cohesive and adhesive forces – cohesive is the force of attraction of molecules of the same kind while adhesive is the force of attraction of molecules of different kinds.
Mutiso answered the question on October 9, 2018 at 06:51

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