Describe and experiment for location of an image by the non-parallax method


Describe and experiment for location of an image by the non-parallax method.



Parallax is the apparent relative motion of two objects due to the movement of the observer. It only occurs when the objects are at a distance from one another. This can be used to find the position of images in plane mirrors.

Experiment: To find the position of an image of a pin by non-parallax method

1. Obtain a sheet of paper and draw a mirror line
2. Place the mirror on the line as shown
3. Place the pin at least 5 cm from the mirror and obtain another pin (search pin)
4. Move the pin till you get a point where there is no parallax and place your second pin.
5. Measure the distances (both image and object) and confirm your results.
raphael answered the question on October 11, 2018 at 07:04

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