Describe and experiment of making a simple cell


Describe and experiment of making a simple cell



Experiment: making a simple cell

1. Take a piece of copper strip and zinc strip and clean thoroughly with emery paper.
2. Put the two strips in a beaker containing dilute sulphuric acid.
3. Observe what happens to the strips.
4. Connect the strips externally to a milliameter and a voltmeter.
Sulphuric acid is chemically written as, H2SO4 ----- 2H+ + SO42-
The electrons liberated by the acid move to the zinc electrode Zn ------ Zn2+ + 2e-
The hydrogen ions move to the copper strip 2H+ + 2e- ---- H2
Copper strip therefore becomes positively charged while the zinc becomes negatively charged electrode.

The accumulation of bubbles around the copper strip is called polarization. The bubbles formed around the zinc strip is the reaction of acid with zinc impurities and is called local action. Polarization produces insulation between the strip and the acid cutting off production of current eventually. This is known as the internal resistance of the cell. Local action eats away the zinc strip and a mercury coat is applied to prevent this (amalgamation). Polarization and local action are the main defects of simple cells.
raphael answered the question on October 11, 2018 at 07:20

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