1.Making users aware and fully informed about plans to install new system. (communication)
2.Explaining that the change is for better by telling them how it’s going to benefit them and the organization.
3.Encouraging them to participate in the system development by allowing them to give (involvements) suggestions of what they would like to be incorporated in the new system.
4.Planning to train the users to acquire the new skills.
5.Attempt should be made to retain as much as possible of the current organisation structure to avoid much social change.
6.The system should not be introduced in a hurry in order to give the system users time to familiarize themselves with the new system and minimize the risk of failure.
7.Consensus – arrive at decisions or formulate policies by way of consensus/mutual agreement or discussion.
8.Trust: make deliberate efforts to build trust between all members involved.
9.Assurance: constantly give assurance regarding popular fear among members
Steve ju answered the question on October 11, 2018 at 20:46
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