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Explain various aspects or stages in which software testing is carried out


Explain various aspects or stages in which software testing is carried out



(i)Unit testing: testing of program segments that do specific functions.
(ii) Module testing: involves testing of interrelated units within a program, which perform a specific task.
(iii) Integration testing: It involves moving downwards through a control hierarchy i.e. from subordinate modules it can either be top-down integration or bottom-up integration. Top-down integration verifies major control and decision points early in the testing process. Bottom-up integration uses drivers to coordinate a test case.
(iv) System testing: involves linking all modules of a suite to test whether they are interfacing properly.
(v) Alpha and Beta testing: Alpha testing is testing that is conducted at the software developer’s site by both the developer and the user or customer. Beta testing is testing a system at the user’s or customer’s site. It is conducted by the end user of the system.
(vi) Configuration review: It is conducted to ensure that each element of the software is properly developed i.e. to ensure that each module’s configuration is proper.
(vii) Recovery testing: Is conducted to force software to fail in a number of ways and verify that recovery is properly performed.
(viii) Security testing: It attempts to verify that protection mechanism built into the system works.
(ix) Stress testing: Designed to confront a program with abnormal structure and abnormal quantity of resources e.g. a large volume of transaction inputs to see how the program can cope up with such abnormally.
(x) Performance testing: Conducted to evaluate the software performance e.g. run time, response time, quality of output etc.

Steve ju answered the question on October 13, 2018 at 18:15

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