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Imagine that as the president of your school,the school principal has selected you to give a speech during the annual parents day,what would you do...


Imagine that as the president of your school,the school principal has selected you to give a speech during the annual parents day,what would you do to manage and deal with anxiety on the day of the speech.



Before the day;

-Know your topic by doing adequate and thorough research. You will be sure of presenting accurate information and be able to answer questions asked by audience members.

-Practice delivering your speech several times. This helps you be sure of your organization of the main points.

On that day;

-Do some physical exercises like press ups, push walls, etc. to reduce anxiety.

-Use simple relaxation techniques like taking deep breath, tightening and relaxing your muscles, etc.

-Wear clothes that you feel confident in. when you feel good about of you feel, your confidence level is boosted. You don’t need to adjust your clothes or hair during your speech.

-Spot friendly faces in the crowd. These are people who give you positive feedback (e.g. nodding, smiling). Such faces give you encouragement to speak.

-Come up with ways to hide your anxiety. For example,

When mouth goes dry, drink some water

-Incase of excessive sweating, wear clothes that will not allow your audience detect

-If your hands shake, use gestures to mask the shaking.

marto answered the question on October 16, 2018 at 07:10

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