Erysipelas is an infectious disease mostly of growing or adult swine.Discuss this disease under the following subheadings; a) Symptoms. b) Control.


Erysipelas is an infectious disease mostly of growing or adult swine.Discuss this disease under the following subheadings;
a) Symptoms.
b) Control.



-Occur in animals approaching market weight.
-Acute outbreaks often begin with the sudden and unexpected death of one or a few pigs.
-Sick pigs have very high temperatures (104-108°F). usually without respiratory signs or diarrhea.
-Sick pigs often have reddened or cyanotic skin, especially about the ears, snout, jowls, throat and ventral abdomen.
-On a few of the animals there may be discrete, raised, and red to purple areas of skin.
-These often have a rhomboid or diamond shape and are more obvious on white pigs.
-On dark skinned pigs, the lesions may be visible or palpable as slightly raised patches of hair.
-Leg joints are painful but may or may not be swollen.
-Affected pigs resist getting on their feet but are alert. When forced to arise, they often have to be assisted, squeal with pain, stand with their feet close together and soon lie down again.
-Pregnant sows may abort.
-Enlarged joints.
-Rhomboid skin (diamond-skin) lesions are an inconsistent feature only associated with acute cases.
-Vaccination in the face of an outbreak is warranted.
-Booster vaccination at least 1-2 times per year is recommended for breeding stock.
-A combination of regular vaccination, good sanitation, the elimination of carriers with skin and joint lesions, and appropriate quarantine measures for purchased stock usually will aid control of the disease
-Controlled by administering penicillin and/or erysipelas antiserum to affected pigs along with anti-microbial added to the drinking water until no sick pigs have been observed for at least three days.
jim items answered the question on October 22, 2018 at 18:56

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