-Occurrence: Makindu-Kibwezi area.
-Luvisols are strongly leached soils having argillic B horizons with a relatively high base status and BSP of more than 50%.
-The high silt content makes luvisols susceptible to structure deterioration and erosion if not well protected.
-In some places, the dense subsoil causes temporarily reducing conditions with a agnostic color pattern.
-Most Luvisols are fertile soils and suitable for a wide range of agricultural uses.
-Occurrence in Kenya;Isiolo, Marsabit, parts of Machakos.
-In hilly or mountainous areas, where Cambisols are most frequent, care should be taken to prevent erosion when the surface is bare.
-Cambisols are among the better agricultural soils in Africa as they are less depleted of nutrients than other tropical soils.
-Have a sufficiently high nutrient-holding capacity to retain fertilisers
-In such conditions, these soils are best be kept under forest or perennial crops such as tea.
-Weaknesses;Strongly weathered Cambisols contain limited amounts of nutrients.
-Opportunities;Depending on their depth, their water-holding capacity can be high.
jim items answered the question on November 7, 2018 at 16:20
- Discuss Andosols based on their use and management practices for agricultural production in Kenya.(Solved)
Discuss Andosols based on their use and management practices for agricultural production in Kenya.
Date posted: November 7, 2018. Answers (1)
- By giving examples of areas of occurrence describe management and use of Vertisols.(Solved)
By giving examples of areas of occurrence describe management and use of Vertisols.
Date posted: November 7, 2018. Answers (1)
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Discuss Plinthisols as a soil commonly found in East Africa.
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Discuss management and use of Nitisols found in Murang'a county.
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Discuss management and use of Ferralsols in soil minerals.
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Discuss the main effects of soil acidification on plants.
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Outline the main pollution control approaches practiced in Kenya today to curtail pollution.
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Discuss the potential remedies to land and environmental resources degradation.
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a)Type of disease
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a)Type of disease
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a)Cause of the disease
b)Type of disease.
d)Control for the disease.
e)Age of the pigs...(Solved)
Discuss Salmonellosis a disease of the intestinal tract in pigs under the following subheadings:
a)Cause of the disease
b)Type of disease.
d)Control for the disease.
e)Age of the pigs attacked.
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a)Type of disease.
b)Symptoms of attack.
c)Control for the...(Solved)
Enteric Colibacillosis disease is the most common cause of death in baby pigs.Discuss this disease under the following subheadings:
a)Type of disease.
b)Symptoms of attack.
c)Control for the disease.
Date posted: October 30, 2018. Answers (1)
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c)type of disease(Solved)
Discuss African swine Fever under the following subheadings:
c)type of disease
Date posted: October 30, 2018. Answers (1)