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Explain why implementation of devolution and devolved Governance has failed has failed to address the issue of unemployment


Explain why implementation of devolution and devolved Governance has failed has failed to address the issue of unemployment.



Devolved governance or devolution is whereby political power and economic resources are dispersed form one central point to the grassroots. E.g from Nairobi to other parts of the country. It was a requirement of the Kenyan Constitution which was promulgated in 2010.It seeks to bring government closer to the people with county governments at the center to disperse economic resources and power to the people at the grass root level. The need for devolution has started during pre-independence days when a form of devolution known as Majimbo was introduced briefly in 1962, but it done away with soon after Kenya attained its independence.
Devolution has addressed various issues e.g people would no longer feel marginalized and deprived of resources.
However, devolution in Kenya has failed to address the issues of rural urban migration .People move to urban areas for various reasons. This includes:
Search for employment opportunities
Most people who move from rural to urban areas do it in search of employment opportunities. It is believed that good and well-paying jobs are found in urban areas. Basically because most of the major industries are located in the urban areas.
Better living standards
The living conditions in the rural areas are not favorable to some people hence they prefer to move to the urban areas. In rural areas sometimes there is scarce water, health facilities e.t.c .Poverty is also higher than in urban areas.
Better services
Better services such as infrastructure are better as compared to those in rural set up. People in Kenya move to urban areas where there are good roads, good hospitals, good houses and electricity among other services which are believed to attract people to urban areas.

Devolution of funds
The funds devolved by the national Government is not adequate for improving the infrastructure in the rural areas. Adequate funds are required to develop good transport network to enable better transportation of people and goods from one point to another, providing enough water for domestic use ad for watering animals, employing more people in the County Government, dispersal of electricity to household’s e.t.c.
Famine, war in the rural areas
People also migrate to the urban areas because of war and famine which affect mostly those I the rural areas. For example, in North astern Kenya has been hit by wars and famine which force people to move to safer areas.
If Kenyan people continue to migrate to urban areas in large numbers, then it would result to various problems which include:
Congestion due to overcrowding.
Stiff competition for job opportunities as the number increases.
Rural economy will be negatively affects because active and energetic members of the community migrate to urban areas living old men in the rural areas.
Social amenities such as hospitals will be strained hence provision of quality services will be difficult.
To reduce the rate of rural urban migration, the Government should put in place measures that will ensure that comfort in the rural areas. This may include:
Creating employment opportunities to reduce mobility of labor. The Government should encourage investors to invest in the rural areas especially those setting up industries. This will ensure provision of employment to the rural population.
Improving on transport network hence ensuring people in the rural areas can transport their commodities to the market more easily.
Improving on infrastructure development e.g constructing better health facilities like hospitals and equipping them. It will make people access them without having to move to the urban areas. Also by constructing better schools.
Improving on security services in order to promote peace.
Promoting agriculture so as to avoid poverty. The government can improve agriculture by subsidizing the cost of farm inputs so as to encourage people to do farming.
Creating awareness among the people on the effects of rural urban migration and how they can be able to develop themselves in the rural areas.
Also provision of credit facilities in the rural areas will enable the people access finance to enable them do business, farming and to pay school fees for their children.
Kchris answered the question on November 10, 2018 at 09:47

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