a)Trend surface fitting using regression.
-A surface interpolation method that fits a polynomial surface by least-squares regression through the sample data points. This method results in a surface that minimizes the variance of the surface in relation to the input values.
-Triangulation is an interpolation method that allows the determination of the location/value of an unknown point based on the value of 3 adjacent points.
c)Averages spatial moving method.
-The value of a point's attribute computed by averaging the values of its surrounding points, taking into account their importance or their distance from the point.
-Moving window averaging attempts to directly derive a raster data-set from a set of sampled points
-Kriging assumes that at least some of the spatial variation observed in natural phenomena can be modeled by random processes with spatial auto-correlation, and require that the spatial auto-correlation be explicitly modeled.
-Kriging techniques can be used to describe and model spatial patterns, predict values at unmeasured locations, and assess the uncertainty associated with a predicted value at the unmeasured locations.
jim items answered the question on November 14, 2018 at 10:59
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a. give the methods you would use to collect information.
b.State the follow up activities...(Solved)
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a. give the methods you would use to collect information.
b.State the follow up activities you would carry out after the field study.
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