Approach the Community and listen to their concerns/needs
Approach the community and listen to their views with regard to their needs. By approaching the community, you will be able to identify the real problem because they are the people living in that community and they are aware of the issues affecting their lives. By first understanding what the community’s needs are it will increase your credibility since you will be embarking on an issue that really exists.
Consider all the groups in the community
Consider all range of people living in the community when you are trying to identify issues affecting them. This includes the views of women, children and people living with disabilities. These populations are mostly left out when in real sense they form the larger part of the community and they are the groups with more pressing issues that need advocacy. When the views of all people are considered, then the real underlying issues in the community will be adequately identified and addressed.
Conduct a detailed analysis/research to deeply understand what the real issues are
Conduct a contextual analysis on the existing issues/problems. Once the issues have been identified, it is important to then do a research on the existing problems that have been identified by the community. It will help you be able to know the root cause of the existing issues, to what extend it has affected or is affecting the population of that particular community. Doing research ahead of advocacy increased knowledge and of the advocate and she or he will be dealing with what she really knows and understands. Doing research also increased the credibility of the person or the organization planning to undertake the advocacy activity and they will be having detailed and credible information to present to the target groups stakeholders and institutions for action.
Prioritize the needs of the community
Communities have and will always have many pressing issues which practically one cannot be able to address them at a go. It is therefore prudent that after one identifies the issues the community is facing, one need to prioritize the needs/concerns of the community from the most urgent to the least urgent. After the issues have been identified and their root causes analyzed, then it is time to prioritize the issues from the most pressing issue to the least pressing. Prioritizing is important because community will always come up with several issues and to be able to adequately help the community, it is important to consider the most pressing issue that needs immediate action. From the research done on the ground when analyzing the needs of the community, one can be able to determine which issue is most pressing and nee immediate attention. Still one can engage the community so that together, they can identify and come to an agreement on what it is they want to be addressed first.
Plan and implement
Proceed to plan for and implement the advocacy. After together you and the community have already been able to identify and prioritize the concerns, then planning for advocacy can now begin. Ways in which the advocacy will be done and people who will be involved are identified for the course. Things such as dates for advocacy in set and different stakeholders are reached or invited for the course.
Smwenje answered the question on November 15, 2018 at 17:52
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