1.Aegytopithecus-probable earliest ancestor of man and apes discovered in Egypt. It’s about 33 million years old and weighs about 4 kgs, it was herbivores, it moved on fours and had a tail.
2.Dryopithecus/ africanus/ proconsul- were discovered in Rusinga Island. It dates back to about 25 million years. It had long teeth, ate fruits, smooth forehead, and projecting face, moved on fours and lived in forests.
3.Kenyapithecus( ramapithecus)- it lived about 12 million years ago. Discovered at fort ternan , it weighed about 18-36 kgs, had small teeth, had a lager brain and walked on two legs.
4.Australopithecus( zinjathropus)- they were earliest hominids closer to man known as southern ape man, lived in the savannah about 4 million years ago found in olduvai gorge founded by Mrs. Mary leaky. These were four types of austrolopithecus. Robustus( strong built with powerful claws and teeth) and africanus which was smaller and slender. They had enlarged skull and jaws, walked upright with bipedal gait about 1.5 metres tall. Others include amensis( found at kanapoiand alia bay) and afarensis(lived between 4 abd 3 million years ago.)boisei
Features of the australopithecines.
Had an upright posture as he walked on two legs
Had hairy body.
Was short and small slender body.
Was strongly built with heavy shoulders
Had a large brain capacity of about 500cc.
Large face with a low forehead and stereo-scopic vision.
Large jaws and teeth.
Weighed 30-68kg
6.Homo habilis- means handy man or practical man. He was man-like and could group objects and make tools which lived about 2 million years ago. His brain capacity was about 500-800 cm3.
Features of homo habilis.
Large brain capacity of about 775 cc.
Bigger body stature of about 5 feet.
Face and skull like that of modern man.
Used elementary speech.
Well developed thumb like of modern man
7.Homo erectus- it means upright man lived in Africa about 1 million years ago. He was claver, made achelian tools like the hand axe. He invented fire, he had a higher brain capacity between 750-1100cm3.
Features of homo erectus.
Had upright posture.
Large brain capacity.
Made refined tools.
Communicated well using speech.
Was large in stature of 5.5 feet tall.
Possessed a prominent brow ridge over the eyes.
8.Homo sapiens- means intelligent or thinking man, it’s the name given to modern man. He had small teeth with steep rounded head. He had a higher brain capacity to about 1000-1800 cm3. He hunted, gathered and practised fishing. There are 3 sub spacies.
Rhodesian man
Had straight legs and walked with long strides.
Had large brain capacity.
Had great ridges over his eyes
Neanderthal man
It was heavily built with brow-ridges.
Large brain capacity.
Was intelligent and skilled in using his hands.
Ate meat from animals.
Cro-magnon man.
He was taller
Had a thicker brow ridge.
He painted pictures.
Features of homo sapiens.
Had straight legs.
Walked on twos with long strides.
Had a large stature of about 6 feet tall.
Had small teeth.
Had a steep well rounded forehead.
1800 cc. Brain.
8) Homo sapien sapien- the most advanced creature to appear on earth. They were taller, slimmer and more intelligent. He started domesticating crops and animals and building huts, he led a settled life.
Moraa orina answered the question on November 15, 2018 at 18:58
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