During play children engage in a wide range of activities and it may cut across all the activity areas such are creative, music, language, mathematics, science and physical. Play can therefore help learners learn different activity areas.
Play can facilitate learning of music and creative art in the following ways:
When children play, they also engage in singing. For instance when they are play domestic roles, children take the role of a mother soothing a child (doll) to sleep by singing a lullaby song to the doll. Some may sing when washing utensils or when sweeping. This helps in developing their singing skills.
Also when playing, some assumes the role of a teacher and you will find them pretending to be on parade and singing national anthem. Sometimes others will assume the role of a teacher in class and engage other learners to sing the songs they usually sing while in a real classroom setting. They could sing letter songs or even number songs or and other educative song during role their role play. This helps them develop their singing skills.
During play, some assume the role of their Sunday school teacher and pretend that they are in the church and you will find such children engaging others in singing Sunday school songs.
During play children come up with ideas of drawing pictures to decorate their role ‘home’. In this case they will draw and display different drawings and assume that their house is beautiful just as their real houses back at home looks beautiful.
During play, some children will talk about colours and they will always dress their dolls dresses or clothes of different colours and in the process they learn about different colours.
During role play, children may also collect flowers of colours and crush to make paints which they may use to colour their drawings. Through this they learn the concept of colour and the skill of drawing which is always taught in creative art lessons.
During play, children may use mad, clay or plasticine to model different objects and display them. In the process of play, they learn about modeling skills.
Smwenje answered the question on November 18, 2018 at 09:41
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