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Discuss the Cultural and economic practices of early man.


Discuss the Cultural and economic practices of early man.



The culture of early man can be understood through the study of Stone Age or Palaeolithic periods. The early period of hum history mean man’s tools and weapons were mainly made of stone, bone and wood. The things they made and used formed their material culture, archaeologists have divided stone age in three categories.

The old stone age (lower Palaeolithic)
300,000-200,000 years ago.

1.Man led a simple life.
2.He made few simple tools.
3.Weapons and tools are referred to as oldowan or pebble tools.
4.He made acheulian tools in the second phase of old stone age.
5.Archeulian tools were made by homo-eretus
6.Clothing- was hairy and walked naked.
7.Shelter- did not build houses but slept on trees in forest. They used store, caves and rock as shelters.
8.These are aegytopethecus and drypethicus.
9.They ate meat, plants, birds and eggs.
10.They did hunting, gathering and collected food.
11.There communication was through gestures, growling and whistling.

The middle stone age (middle Palaeolithic) 200,000-50,000 years ago.

1Man changed his life marked by great improvement.
2.Changes were attributed to superior brains.
3.Tools and weapons were improved to smaller scrappers, spears and choppers.
4.Shelter- man had known rock shelters and later livedin caves for more security, after hunting.
5.Food- hunting improved due to lighter shaper and specialized weapons. They invented fire and startedcooking his own food in neutralizes poisons.
6.Clothing- man wore animal skins; he made shells and necklaces and painted his body with red ochre and oil.
7.Communication- man improved in gesture and growing began to use clicks and grants.
8.Tools- they were called sangoan tools.
Moraa orina answered the question on November 16, 2018 at 18:05

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