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Trace the origin of rural sociology


Trace the origin of rural sociology.



-It Is originated in the United States of America in the form of systematic science in the year 1820 and has taken more than half a century to become established as a distinct academic need or professional study.

- American President Roosevelt emphasized on the study of rural sociology and rural social problem in the year 1907

In 1911, a Rural Sociology Department was established in American Sociological Society

In India, after the independence, literature on rural society has been on the increase and during the first five-year plan, strategies were made for the upliftment of the condition of rural people.

In 1955, prominent village studies by famous sociologists were brought out in India and it suggested that there was a need of rural reconstruction and welfare. Therefore, community development programmes came into the scene. Planning Commission has introduced several projects, land reforms and co-operative movement.These plans and programmes have contributed a lot towards the development of rural sociology in India.

But all these studies before independence remained isolated. Only after 1947, our nation decided to have planned development.
cholera answered the question on March 5, 2019 at 18:15

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