Give the seeding rate and normal spacing of the cowpea, green gram and lablab crops under both monocrop and intercrop systems with maize or sorghum


Give the seeding rate and normal spacing of the cowpea, green gram and lablab crops under both monocrop and intercrop systems with maize or sorghum?



20-25 kg/ha (8-10 kg per acre) [1 mark]
60 cm between rows and 20 cm within plants [1 mark]
INTERCROP120 – 150 cm between rows and 30 cm for one row or 20 cm for two rows between sorghum plants. [1 mark]
10-15 kg/ha or 4-8 kg/acre [1 mark] MONOCROP
45cm (1.5ft) between rows and 15 cm (0.5ft) within plants [1 mark] INTERCROP
One row of green gram between sorghum rows spaced at 90 cm apart or 2 rows for in sorghum spaced at 120cm apart [1 mark]
Use 20-30 kg of seed per acre
[1 mark] MONOCROP
plant soybeans at 45cm (1.5ft) from row to row and at 10cm (4 inches) from plant to plant. Plant two seeds per hole. [1 mark] INTERCROP
The spacing of soybean within maize is 25cm (10 inches). The soybean rows can be reduced to two rows between maize rows. [1 mark]

jahby answered the question on November 19, 2018 at 06:25

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