Describe the various principles of crop production


Describe the various principles of crop production.



1.Planning: Planning, programming and executing measures for maximum utilization of land, labourer, capital and other factors of production.
2.Choice of crop: Choice of crop varieties adaptable to the particular agro-climate, land situation, soil fertility, season and method of cultivation and befitting to the cropping system;
3.Cultivation: Proper field management by tillage, preparing field channels and bunds for irrigation and drainage, checking soil erosion, leveling and adopting other suitable land improvement practices;
4.Cropping systems: Adoption of multiple cropping and also mixed or intercropping to ensure harvest even under adverse environmental conditions;
5.Fertilizer application: Timely application of proper and balanced nutrients to the crop and improvement of soil fertility and productivity. Correction of ill-effects of soil reactions and conditions and increasing soil organic matter through the application of green manure, farm yard manure, organic wastes, bio-fertilizers and profitable recycling of organic wastes;
6.Choice of seed and seed material: Choice of quality seed or seed material and maintenance of requisite plant density per unit area with healthy and uniform seedlings;
7.Water management: Proper water management with respect to crop, soil and environment through conservation and utilization of soil moisture as well as by utilizing water that is available in excess, and scheduling irrigation at critical stages of crop growth.
8.Crop protection: Adoption of adequate, need-based, timely and exacting plant protection measures against weeds, insect-pests, pathogens, as well as climatic hazards and correction of deficiencies and disorders;
9.Cultural practices: Adoption of suitable and appropriate management practices including intercultural operations to get maximum benefit from inputs dearer and difficult to get, low-monetary and non-monetary inputs;
10.Harvesting: Adoption of suitable method and time of harvesting of crop to reduce field loss and to release land for succeeding crop(s) and efficient utilization of residual moisture, plant nutrients and other management practices;
11.Post-harvest management: Adoption of suitable post-harvest technologies

jahby answered the question on November 19, 2018 at 06:54

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