Discuss the different soils for different specific crops grown in Kenya specifically central Kenya.


Discuss the different soils for different specific crops grown in Kenya specifically central Kenya.



i)Maize-bean systems.
-Requires well drained soils.
-pH - slightly acidic to neutral conditions.
-High base saturation.

-Requires soils with high base saturation.
-Soils with a slightly alkaline pH.
-Good water holding capacity.

iii)Paddy rice.
-Does very well in soils with the 2:1 expansive clays such as montmorillonite.
-Requires slightly alkaline pH conditions.
-Soil with low permeability hence suitable for flood irrigation.

-Does well in deep well weathered soils with free drainage.
-Requires acidic soils with a pH range: 4.5 - 5.5.

jim items answered the question on November 19, 2018 at 06:55

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