How is the commercial production of palm oil in Nigeria done, from harvesting to the time the oil is ready for use?


Describe the commercial production of palm oil in Nigeria from harvesting to the time the oil is ready for use.



Oil palm is harvested three years after planting. The ripe fruit is cut curved knives/pangas/chisels/hooks. Cutting goes on throughout the year. Fruits are carried in baskets or on poles to lorries for transportation to the factory. At the factory the fruits are weighed and are offloaded into tube like cages or trucks. Fruits are put in digester for further cooking to soften them up. The pulp is separated from the kernel. The pulp is then passed through oil-extracting machines. The kernels are crushed to remove shells and extract oil.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on June 13, 2017 at 05:35

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