Fungi: Yeast is used in the production of alcohol; and raising dough in baking; production of vitamins B2 and B12 and for beer brewing; some mushrooms are used as food; Saprophytic fungi such as Mucor spp/Rhizopus spp cause food spoilage; are also used in retting of natural fibres such as flax; and in the curing of tea and tobacco; The fungi also decompose organic matter helping to clean the environment and recycle materials. Saprophytic fungi are also used to make silage; compost; and digesting sewage in sewage treatment plants; Penicillium spp is used for the manufacture of antibiotics; Fungi is used for making ghee and cheese in dairies; parasitic fungisuch as Phytophthora spp infest crops e.g. potatoes and tomatoes and destroy them/cause blight; somefungi such as Aspergillus spp produce food poisons and is also used in the synthesis of enzyme amylase; Mycorrizae fungi enable trees e.g. pinus to absorb water amd mineral salts more efficiently in silviculture/man-made forests; some fungi such as and Tinus spp cause diseases such as yeast infections (Candidiasis, ‘Athlete’s foot’) and ‘ringworms’ respectively; some Candida spp is used in making enriched food/single-celled proteins used in animal feeds/silage; Gibberella spp is used in the synthesis of Gibberellins for plant growth; it also causes poor crop growth through bolting of plants e.g. rice and wheat;
Bacteria: Some bacteria e.g. Vibrio spp cause disease to humans and other animals (any one disease); Clostridium spp and Bacillus spp bacteria are used in retting of flax; Lactobacillus spp are important in the manufacture of yoghurt/silage; and lactic acid; some bacteria e.g. Streptomyces are used in making antibiotics (Streptomycin); organic acids such ac acetic and ethanoic acids are made using Acetobacter spp of bacteria; some bacteria like the soil bacteria (Bacillus spp) make enzymes used in detergents; Escherichia coli (E. coli)/colon bacteria contaminates drinking water and may cause diseases; bacteria such as Bacillus spp and are used in making hormones such as insulin through genetic engineering/modification; all saprophytic bacteria such as E. coli/Bacillus spp/Pseudomonas spp are used in the production of methane/biogas; Rhizobium spp of bacteria helps in nitrogen fixation making soils fertile.
Edwinnyongesa8 answered the question on December 6, 2018 at 03:36
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