In-a free morpheme in this case (can be a bound morpheme to negate ,for example,inappropriate)
school-a free morpheme,can stand on its own
(s)to show plural of school-its a bound morpheme that has to be attached to a word so as to have meaning.In this case,it has been used to show number,that is ,pluralisation.
we-a free morpheme
usual-a free morpheme
(ly) in usually-a bound morpheme that cannot stand on its own.It is a suffix that shows frequency of an occurrence.
use-a free morpheme
(Engl)in English-it is the root word, that means it is a bound morpheme ,suffixes may be attached to it to acquire a different meaning.For example,England.
(ish) in English-a bound morpheme ,in this case it is a suffix.
while-a free morpheme
communicat-a bound morpheme and the root word which cannot make sense unless a suffix is added.For example,communication,communicative etc.
(ing) in communicating -a bound morpheme .A suffix attached to verbs to show tense.
with-a free morpheme
our-a free morpheme.
(teach) in teachers-it is a free morpheme and the root word.By adding prefixes and suffixes to it ,we obtain many other words.For example,teachable,teaching etc.
(er) in teachers-a bound morpheme added as a suffix
(s) in teachers-a bound morpheme to show number,pluralisation of teacher.
and-a free morpheme
friend- a free morpheme,suffixes can be attached to obtain other words .For example,friendly,friendship
(s) in friends -a bound morpheme that shows plural of friend.
Mabonga candy answered the question on February 1, 2019 at 09:20
- Your school is organizing the staging of the river and the source by Margaret Ogola.as the secretary of the drama club write an internal memo...(Solved)
Your school is organising the staging of the river and the source by Margaret Ogola. As the secretary of the drama club write an internal memo inviting them to a meeting to plan for the function.
Date posted: November 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- What are dirges.(Solved)
a)What are dirges.
Date posted: October 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Akawala akawala kaawa akaawa ka wa (Buganda)
A girl who gave kaawa bitter coffee;where did she come from?(Solved)
Akawala akawala kaawa akaawa ka wa (Buganda)
A girl who gave kaawa bitter coffee;where did she come from?
a)Identify the genre above.
b)With illustrations identify any aspect of style used in the above genre.
c)Give your own example of the genre above.
d)briefly explain any two functions of the genre.
Date posted: October 5, 2018. Answers (1)
- Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow “My sister Vera and I have had differences, but I have no doubt....(Solved)
Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow
“My sister Vera and I have had differences, but I have no doubt that she would have made an excellent mother - much than I ever was. The children love her. So it is with confidence that I leave every aspect of their care in her capable hands with
the assistance of whichever family members she chooses for I appreciate that the nature of her calling may not allow her to
establish her own home. I want her to know that I love my children though my way of expressing it may not have satisfied
her. I expressed it by making sure that they will never lack in the things I believe in. it is true that money cannot buy
happiness or I would have been happy; buy it can buy pretty well everything else. OK, it cannot buy life either - for I am
dying and will die in the slowest most painful way possible, but I am not sorry for the way I have lived; for I found out
however late, that everything, everything has a price. This is the price of living the way I have lived. So be it; I will pay it”
Vera wept afresh when the will was read out. What could make anyone so bitter? They had had good loving parents and all
her brothers and her other sister were happy warm-hearted people with ordinary faults, but not with such bitterness - the
bitterness of gall - and that in someone so beautiful! She had been only thirty- three and until the last six months of her illness
she had still been the loveliest person Vera had ever seen.
1. Place this excerpt in its immediate context. (4mks)
2. What is Becky?s attitude towards the life she lived according to the excerpt? (3mks)
3. From your knowledge of the text, who are Becky?s children referred to in the excerpt? (2mks)
4. State and illustrate the character trait of:
· Becky (2mks)
· Vera (2mks)
5. Identify and illustrate two stylistic devices used in the excerpt (4mks)
6. State and illustrate two thematic concerns brought out in the excerpt (4mks)
7. From your knowledge of novel, write in note form three things that Becky believed in. (3mks)
8. Rewrite the following sentence according to the instructions given, (l mk)
Vera wept afresh when the will was read out (Add a question tag)
Date posted: October 3, 2018. Answers (1)
- "The educated play a major role in salvaging countries affected by poor governors". Support the statement from betrayal in the city(Solved)
"The educated play a major role in salvaging countries affected by poor governors". Support the statement from betrayal in the city.
Date posted: October 2, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss how contemporary social media forms such as Viusasa and YouTube have transformed oral literature in Kenya.(Solved)
Discuss how contemporary social media forms such as Viusasa and YouTube have transformed oral literature in Kenya.
Date posted: August 17, 2018. Answers (1)
- State main features common to all short forms
State main features common to all short forms
Date posted: August 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Techniques you can employ in narrating a trickster story to an audience (Solved)
Techniques you can employ in narrating a trickster story to an audience
Date posted: July 31, 2018. Answers (1)
Adieu, to my native shore,
To toss on the boisterous wave;
To enjoy my kindred no more,
But to weep – the tears...(Solved)
Adieu, to my native shore,
To toss on the boisterous wave;
To enjoy my kindred no more,
But to weep – the tears of a SLAVE!
By the sons of freemen I’m borne,
To the land of the free and the brave;
From my wife and children I’m torn,
To weep – the tears of a SLAVE!
When, I think on mother and friends,
And the joy their countenance gave;
Ah! How my sad bosom it rends,
While weeping – the tears of a SLAVE!
Ah! Now, I must labour for gold,
To pamper the pride of the knave;
Ah! Now, I am shackled and sold
To weep – the tears of a SLAVE!
Keen sorrow so presses my heart,
That often I sigh for my grave;
While feeling the lash-cruel smart!
And weeping – the tears of a SLAVE!
Ye sons, of the free and wise,
Your tender compassion I crave;
Alas! can your bosoms despise
The pitiful tears of a SLAVE!
Can a land of Christians so pure!
Let demons of slavery rave!
Can the angel of mercy endure,
The pitiless – tears of a SLAVE!
Just heaven, to thee I appeal;
Hast thou not the power to save?
In mercy the power reveal,
1. Who is the persona in the poem? (2mks)
2. What is happening to the persona in the first stanza? (3 marks)
3. Identify the dominant two styles used in the poem and state their effectiveness? (4mks)
4. What is the tone of the poem? (2mks)
5. Who do you think is described as ‘knave’ in the fourth stanza? Give a reason for your answer. (2mks)
6. In what way does the persona question religion? (2mks)
7. What solution does the poet offer that will end slavery? (2mks)
8. Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem. (3mks)
a. From my wife and children I’m torn.
b. Keen sorrow so presses my heart.
Date posted: July 25, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss information technology as a tool for communication(Solved)
Discuss information technology as a tool for communication.
Date posted: July 25, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the effectiveness of the songs in Caucasian chalk circle(Solved)
Explain the effectiveness of the songs in Caucasian chalk circle.
Date posted: June 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Show how proverbs have been used in betrayal in the city?(Solved)
Show how proverbs have been used in betrayal in the city?
Date posted: June 24, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the character traits of Ole Kaelo, Taiyo and Resian in the novel Blossoms of the Savannah(Solved)
Explain the character traits of Ole Kaelo, Taiyo and Resian in the novel Blossoms of the Savannah.
Date posted: June 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- "Strikes come with many adverse effects". Write an essay in support of the statement basing on betrayal in the city(Solved)
"Strikes come with many adverse effects". Write an essay in support of the statement basing on betrayal in the city.
Date posted: June 20, 2018. Answers (1)
- "Oppression breeds misery and conflict". Basing on betrayal in the city, write an essay in support of this statement(Solved)
"Oppression breeds misery and conflict". Basing on betrayal in the city, write an essay in support of this statement.
Date posted: June 20, 2018. Answers (1)
- Identify and explain three approaches to the study and analysis of literary texts(Solved)
Identify and explain three approaches to the study and analysis of literary texts.
Date posted: June 19, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give synopsis of window seat by Benjamin Bradford(Solved)
Give synopsis of window seat by Benjamin Bradford.
Date posted: June 19, 2018. Answers (1)
- Imagine you are performing an oral narrative to your class. Explain two ways of making the story interesting.(Solved)
Imagine you are performing an oral narrative to your class. Explain two ways of making the story interesting.
Date posted: June 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain two functions of oral literature in the society.
Explain two functions of oral literature in the society.
Date posted: June 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Use illustrations to show how genres of oral literature are classified(Solved)
Use illustrations to show how genres of oral literature are classified.
Date posted: June 9, 2018. Answers (1)