Oppression of the poor — The people of Israel sold the poor for silver/a pair of shoes/practiced slavery /misuse of garments taken in pledge.
Corruption/bribery — legal injustices were taking place in the court of law/ they took bribes/imposed heavy ?nes on the innocent.
Greed/excessive luxury — Prophet Amos condemned the rich for being sel?sh/greedy/living in luxury at the expense of the poor.
Self-indulgence/false sense of security — Amos condemned those leaders who could sit at their homes and expected the common people to go to them for help/advice.
Cheating in business — they tampered with the standard Weighing scales so that the customer could get less than what they had paid for.
Overcharged on goods that were sold/sold goods of low quality to the poor/mixed grain with chaff.
Robbery and violence — There was violence in the city/ great unrest/disintegration of the rule of lawl taking away their grain.
Idolatry — The Israelites worshipped other gods/broke the commandments of God.
Sexual immorality/temple prostitution-The Israelites had agreed to pagan practice of prostitution in the place of worship/widespread sexual immorality in the land.
Drunkenness — There was drunkenness in Israel the Nazazites were forced to drink excessive Wine.
irene kiseve answered the question on December 12, 2018 at 20:44
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