What are the stages involved in the processing of cocoa from harvesting to the time it is ready for export?


Outline the stages involved in the processing of cocoa from harvesting to the time it is ready for export.



1. Pods are harvested using long knives

2. Pods are collected and piled at a central place

3. Pods are split open with a sharp knife and beans are scooped out by hand

4. Beans are put in heaps on mat and covered with banana leaves

5. Beans are allowed to ferment for 5-6 days during which the juicy pulp drains away

6. Fermented beans are washed in water

7. Beans are spread on table to dry in the hot sun

8. Beans are turned frequently as they dry

9. Dry beans are put in sacks and taken to drying centers

10. At the centers, the beans are weighed and graded ready for export
johnmulu answered the question on January 21, 2017 at 06:30

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