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Explain the theories of prejudice


Explain the theories of prejudice.



1.Scapegoat theory - it holds that prejudice springs from frustrations among people who are themselves disadvantaged e.g. a white woman unhappy with the low wages she earns at a textile factory/jua kali artisans/night watchmen in Kenya.
Frustrations may lead to xenophobia as happened in South Africa in 2006. Directing hostility at the powerful politicians who employ carries obvious risk thus she may blame her low pay on the presence of foreign minority workers working with her. Her prejudice against co-workers serves as relatively safe vent to avert her anger giving her false comfort that she is at least better/superior to the others.
Thus, scapegoat is category of people with little power but who are unfairly blamed by others for their own trouble. Blamed by others.
2.Authoritarian Personality Theory
T.W. Adorno states that extreme prejudice is a personality trait in certain individuals. Thus people who display strong prejudice towards one minority are usually intolerant of all minorities.
The theory conforms to conventional cultural values and see moral issues as clear-cut matters of right and wrong and look upon society as naturally competitive with “better” or “superior” people (like themselves) born to dominate those who are weaker. People tolerant toward the minority are likely to be accepting of all, they tend to be more flexible in their moral judgements.
People with little education and those raised by cold and demanding parents tend to develop authoritarian personalities (Adorno 1950).
Filled with anger and anxiety as children, they grow into hostile and aggressive adults, seeking scapegoats who they see as inferior.
3.Culture theory
State that powerful people use prejudice to justify oppressing others. To the extent that Anglos looking down on Latinos or Luos looking down on Kikuyus, the well off among them can get away with paying immigrants/the poor people low wages for their hard work. Similarly all elites benefit when prejudice divides workers along racial and ethnic lines and discourages them from working together to advance their common interests.
According to Shelby steel (1990) there is a conflict-based argument which states that minorities themselves cultivate a climate of “race consciousness” in order to win greater power and privileges. Because of their historic disadvantage minorities claim that they are now victims entitled to special consideration based on their race. capegoat theory - it holds that prejudice springs from frustrations among people who are themselves disadvantaged e.g. a white woman unhappy with the low wages she earns at a textile factory/jua kali artisans/night watchmen in Kenya.
Frustrations may lead to xenophobia as happened in South Africa in 2006. Directing hostility at the powerful politicians who employ carries obvious risk thus she may blame her low pay on the presence of foreign minority workers working with her. Her prejudice against co-workers serves as relatively safe vent to avert her anger giving her false comfort that she is at least better/superior to the others.
Thus, scapegoat is category of people with little power but who are unfairly blamed by others for their own trouble. Blamed by others.
Authoritarian Personality Theory
T.W. Adorno states that extreme prejudice is a personality trait in certain individuals. Thus people who display strong prejudice towards one minority are usually intolerant of all minorities.
The theory conforms to conventional cultural values and see moral issues as clear-cut matters of right and wrong and look upon society as naturally competitive with “better” or “superior” people (like themselves) born to dominate those who are weaker. People tolerant toward the minority are likely to be accepting of all, they tend to be more flexible in their moral judgements.
People with little education and those raised by cold and demanding parents tend to develop authoritarian personalities (Adorno 1950).
Filled with anger and anxiety as children, they grow into hostile and aggressive adults, seeking scapegoats who they see as inferior.
Culture theory
State that powerful people use prejudice to justify oppressing others. To the extent that Anglos looking down on Latinos or Luos looking down on Kikuyus, the well off among them can get away with paying immigrants/the poor people low wages for their hard work. Similarly all elites benefit when prejudice divides workers along racial and ethnic lines and discourages them from working together to advance their common interests.
According to Shelby steel (1990) there is a conflict-based argument which states that minorities themselves cultivate a climate of “race consciousness” in order to win greater power and privileges. Because of their historic disadvantage minorities claim that they are now victims entitled to special consideration based on their race.
jerop5614 answered the question on December 21, 2018 at 11:44

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