The Gachathi report was a report given out by a commission called Gachathi commission which was set up in 1976, the aim of the commission was to evaluate the education system in Kenya, propose plans to create more employment, suggest how to reduce the education budget from 15 percent to 7 percent and to define new educational goals of the second decade of independence. The Gachathi committee insisted on the diversification of the education curriculum to include Pre-vocational subjects that would relate better to economic and social needs of our country rather than having an examination related education which only stressed on cognitive abilities of the learner.
The commission also made observation that although the government had introduced agriculture education as a subject to help students create their own employment after school, many students were more concerned on how to get better grades rather than motivating them towards agricultural activities.
The Gachathi commission made some recommendations as follows;they proposed a nine-year basic education for all Kenyan children, they also recommended the establishment of the Kenya National Examinations Council, they called the integration of all Harambee secondary schools into public school system, make Kiswahili a compulsory subject in primary schools, and the commission made a propasal to establish the Commission for Higher Education and offer external degree programmes at the University of Nairobi
0746640159 answered the question on January 23, 2019 at 09:15
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