Transition refers to changing from an already existing order of doing things to doing them differently.Before the coming of the white man in the community,things were done according to traditions as dictated by the god of the rising sun.This however changed with the coming of the white man and his government the 'sirikal' and the new religion christianity
Akoko's wealth is grabbed by chief Otieno,her brother in-law,she goes to Kisuma to seek justice from the sirikal.With the help from the sirikal,she manages to get her wealth back thus a transition in the government.
Transition from from traditional methods to christianity was experienced by Nyabera,due to the issue of wife inheritance and her being married by Ogoma Kwach,it brought her a lot of bitterness and anguish leading her to seek help from christianity.In there, she learns that the new God takes care of the poor,the suffering,widows and the barren.The new religion seeks to maintain monogamy in a society that allows polygamy.Nyabera,a widow with the desire to have children finds this rule challenging and difficult to embrace
It is due to introduction of Education that Elizabeth got a new approach to life.Elizabeth was able to choose her life partners opposed to traditions where a husband would have been chosen for her,she delays to marry due to Education,again her family did not need to investigate on sigu's family where she would be married,a church wedding is done contrary to customs where mock wedding was supposed to be done.
The notion that a daughter is supposed to bring wealth in form of bride price is dying.There was no bride price for Awiti but a token of appreciation.Roles around the house have also changed,Mark Sigu assists his wife in household chores.
Marriage outside the Luo culture was unheard of before the coming of the white man.Becky got married to a canadian John and Aoro Marries a kikuyu Wandia.
From the foregoing,it is clear that the society has undergone many positive changes on the part of women thus life does not remain static
marto answered the question on June 13, 2017 at 12:28