(i)In the old concept of education,Kenya certificate of primary education and Kenya certificate of secondary education were used to gauge learners,while in the new concept of education ,assessment would be continuous and more student-centered.
(ii)In the new concept of education,there would be two types of assessment in upper primary where by Formative assessment from Grade 4-6 will be continuous through individual learners portfolios and to transit to Grade 7,a national assessment will be administered at Grade 6 unlike in the old concept of education where there was only one assessment.
(iii)In the new concept of education pre-primary school children will be taught digital and financial literacy as well as life skills the first two years,while in the old concept pre-primary schoolchildren were only taught how to read and write.
(iv)In the new concept of education pre-primary school children will taught how to keep there environment clean,while in the old concept they were not taught.
(v)In the new concept of education,At upper primary,foreign languages including Arabic,French,German and Chinese will be offered as optional subjects.While in the old system only the common two languages were offered;English and Kiswahili.
Kibet Koina answered the question on January 10, 2019 at 10:59
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