Take the top part of a garment (overlay) and fold along the fitting line to the wrong side then press.
Place the top part over the lower part matching the fitting line. Tack.
Machine stitch close to the fold through the three layers of fabric.
Remove the tacking and press.
Trim the raw edge close to 1 cm.
Neaten raw edges by overcasting, loop stitching or machine zig zag.
Press the seam on the RS and WS.
-Fold the over lay towards the wrong side along the fitting line and press.
-Place the over lay on the R.S of the under lay matching the fitting lines. Pin, tack along the edge, remove pins and machine stitch on the Right side through all three layers of fabric.
-Remove tacking and press
-Trim on the W.S, trim the raw edges to about 1cm.
-Neaten the raw edges by over casting, loop stitching or machine zigzag.
-Finally pres the seam on both W.S and R.S.

karanumoureen answered the question on
January 11, 2019 at 13:10