Impacts to plants.
-Decreased total plant photosynthesis=due to defoliation
-Reduced carbohydrate production and storage
-Reduced root growth– Since no food materials from the leaves
-Reduced seed production=No flowering hence no propagation
-Reduced ability to compete with ungrazed or lighter grazed plant
Impacts on soil
1.Soil compaction and infiltration-Especially during rainy season=structure controls water,air,roots and microorganisms.
2.Soil erosion-Horizon A has Nutrients, organic matter, microorganisms, soil fauna, and roots are all concentrated in the surface soil or soil A horizon.
3.Bare soil… Vegetation protects the soil surface from the erosive forces of trampling, raindrop impact, overland flow, and wind. Vegetation and litter also buffer the soil from compaction...
3.Riparian zones since they concentrate there - =Filters for sediments and pollutants from getting into water,Green pasture during dry seasons.Riparian zones form fertilize soils due to filtered sediments hence its destruction degrades riparian soils
4.Spatial distribution of nutrients…….Animal feed drop biomass else where..near water and shade
5.Soil organic matter and litter……Fed upon by livestock ;Organic matter improves soil structure, water holding capacity, and infiltration
jim items answered the question on January 11, 2019 at 15:27
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